Author Spotlight: Shareeka Elliott

Getting to know our authors is part of the fun! We’re excited for Shareeka Elliott’s debut novel, Green. Before it’s release this December, we want you to get to know her. Although this is her debut novel, she is no amateur to writing.

Meet Shareeka Elliott

What inspired you to write Green?

Christian Cashelle’s fanfic Live Like Us. I liked the overall mystery surrounding the tight knit group she wrote about and wanted to take a similar approach with Green with my own pizazz. Each of her characters had a story to tell as well. I’d never attempted a story with drama awaiting the reader at every page turn so Green was my shot at practicing that. At the time I had no clue I’d be publishing it in the future.  Also, each of the Dynamic Image team [or friends of the team] was represented here in some shape or form. I was also inspired by their different personas and the way we meld together as a team and a friend group. It truly made for a beautiful story in my humble opinion.

What’s one piece of advice that you would give aspiring writers?

You are your own brand. It was a hard lesson that I had to learn for myself. I thought for a long time I had to be like other writers and while it’s wonderful to have other authors to look up to, I had to realize I would never be great as long as I tried to be like them. You are you and that’s perfect.

What’s more important to you; character development or plot?

I think it depends on whether the story is character based or plot based. I’m a person who loves her characters however so I think more emphasis is placed on my character development. I also like to think my characters move the plot depending on what they’d do in certain situations or what influenced them to make certain decisions. 

What writers inspired you?

Eric Jerome Dickey is a personal favorite for his ability to create worlds and characters that people never forget. Another favorite of course is Christian Cashelle because she shares the same love of writing that I do. Plus, she’s published it eight times! 

What do you do to kill writer’s block?

I still struggle with writer’s block but in recent years I learned to just write. The most effective thing for me to do is to work on other projects or freewrite. Once I’ve gotten into a rhythm, I’ll return to the original project and find I’m more primed to write. 

In your opinion, what makes a great writer?

Any writer that never gave up. Practice makes perfect and great writers were once great imaginers. They just learned to put their vision into words over time.

Explain your writing style?

I think I fit somewhere between narrative and descriptive. I think both writing styles are true of me. When I was younger my style was dialogue heavy but the older and more experienced I got, the more descriptive I would become. 

What is your kryptonite? 

I have an avid weakness for food. It’s very bad. Over time it’s become sweet food. I could be in mid conversation with someone and very much in my mind putting together a whole menu. 

Also, books. Buy me a book, watch me melt.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you can only reread 3 books for the rest of your life, what would they be? 

  1. Cheaters by Eric Jerome Dickey

  2. Reflected in You by Slyvia Day

  3. Thief of Hearts by Teresa Medeiros 

Green has been in the making for quite some time. How did you rekindle your passion for writing to finish it? 

Learning to put my passion and creativity ahead of my 9-5 was a key! However, my passion for the story never left. It was more of getting over the fear that it wouldn’t be good enough for the masses. Lots of prayer and a building of a more disciplined schedule helped in the making of the book. In short, after crying to my friends about not being able to write a worthy book ceased, the writing began. Now we’re here! 

Give us a vision of what your writing environment is like? Are you a person that likes to be in complete silence just you and a laptop? Or like somebody who writes outside, coffee shop, etc.

My writing environment is often chaotic with my two children around but my ideal is to be by myself with soft music playing. Coffee or wine depending on the time of day to accompany my efforts are always welcome. At one point I do want to try writing outside! I’ve never done it before.

What can your readers expect from Green?

They can expect to be both appalled and enthralled. They can expect a dynamic heroine that learns to pick up the pieces and love again. Also they can expect a beautiful love story. 

Green by Shareeka Elliott will be available December, 28, 2021. Pre-orders available soon!


Exclusive Sneak Peek: Green by Shareeka Elliott


Client Highlight: First Team Productions